As a volunteer organization, our mission is to ensure the quality of life for an integrated Kaka‘ako community from mauka to makai.
- We will educate and advocate for protecting the environmental integrity of the land, air, and shoreline waters;
- Preserving the historic sense of place with open view planes from the mountains to the sea; and ensuring that all development carries out the law’s requirements for public recreational “open space, parks” and “low or moderate income” housing, while supporting jobs created and sustained by commercial and light industrial services; and
- Endorsing adequate infrastructure including water and wastewater balanced with O’ahu’s carrying capacity.
In our effort to educate and advocate, our purposes more specifically are:
- To ensure that Kaka‘ako’s development conforms to the law’s (HRS 206E) requirements to provide “low or moderate income housing,” and “open space, parks;”
- To increase parks and public recreational open space throughout Kaka‘ako in accordance with the national standard for public park space per person;
- To welcome to the Kaka‘ako Mauka Area low and moderate income families with 20% or more affordable, low-cost housing units, including housing for essential workers, built to human scale (not to Manhattan/Shanghai/ Dubai scale);
- To encourage and support a Mauka community of integrated residential, commercial, light industrial and public uses;
- To protect mauka-makai and Diamond Head-Ewa views through wide view planes and view corridors;
- To preserve the Kaka‘ako Makai Area in accordance with the community-based “Kaka‘ako Makai Vision and Guiding Principles” as a dedicated public cultural, educational, and recreational community gathering place that protects and encourages small local businesses and public facilities at Kewalo Basin, and remains free of housing construction of any form;
- To ensure adequate infrastructure and public facilities, including roads, schools, sewerage, and fresh water and wastewater infrastructure in balance with O‘ahu’s carrying capacity and financed through impact fees for new developments not higher taxes;
- To protect and preserve community historical, cultural, and educational assets together with green recreational open spaces;
- To protect and improve the environmental and ecological integrity of the land, air, and shoreline waters; and
- To perpetuate our island quality of life by respecting Hawaiian cultural values and Kaka‘ako’s historic sense of place mauka to makai.