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After witnessing first hand the speed at which development has been approved in the Kaka’ako area;

After attending hearings where the Hawaii Community Development Authority (HCDA) failed to uphold their own Mauka Area Rules;

After living the effects of a poor infrastructure including sewer back-ups, deteriorating roads, and no available classrooms for elementary students;

A group of concerned citizens decided that enough is enough and in September 2013 formed this volunteer organization, KŪ: Kakaʽako Ūnited.


Our primary objectives are accountability and smart development in Kaka’ako.  We will achieve our purposes by:

  • Monitoring, evaluating, and advocating to ensure that development conforms to the law, preserves and enhances the local quality of life and sustainability of the Kaka‘ako community, and, in particular, the provision of low and moderate income housing, including housing for essential workers; green public open space and parks; and a vibrant economy which includes jobs created by commercial and light industrial uses and services;
  • Monitoring and ensuring that adequate and efficient infrastructure (sewers, roads and traffic, schools, water, emergency services, etc.) is provided prior to approval of project developments and, developers, not taxpayers, are assessed the necessary impact fees; ​
  • Informing and educating members and the public on government agency procedures and actions as they relate to decisions impacting the Kaka‘ako community;
  • Opposing unsound and disruptive developments that do not follow adopted plans and rules;
  • Advocating and ensuring responsible development and growth for a sustainable, human scale community; and
  • Ensuring sound community-based planning that includes, at a minimum, a requirement that developers follow the adopted plan and rules and city standards for notice and engagement of community residents within a half mile surrounding any development.